Distance Learning Resources
The Mack Library provides resources and services to students enrolled in BJU distance learning courses.
Library Access
Students in the greater Greenville area and who are in Greenville on a regular basis should visit BJU’s library to access resources and services.
Students outside the greater Greenville area may contact the Mack Library, but must plan accordingly for accessing, processing and shipping items and are also encouraged to check with local public and academic libraries for access to:
- Borrowing books
- Periodical articles
- Databases
- Interlibrary loans
Electronic requests will be processed within two business days and shipped via UPS with tracking or other appropriate method.
Contact Information
Email: ill@bju.edu
Phone: (864) 370-1800, ext. 6019
Mack Library
Bob Jones University
1700 Wade Hampton Blvd.
Greenville, SC 29614-0001
Shipping & Fees
Item |
Shipping |
Fees |
Factual Answers | Phone/email | No charge |
Photocopies/Scans | First-class US Mail or email | No charge for the first 10 pages, and then $0.10 per page ($0.20 duplex) thereafter plus $1.50 postage for every 12 pages of every part thereof. |
Books | UPS Ground Service or air mail | Current rate |
If Student Requests Rush | Rush Shipping, two-day air | About $10 a pound |
- Shipping of items to the U.S. addresses is complimentary (except rush shipping requests). Shipping fees to foreign addresses and for the return of library items is the responsibility of the student. Students may contact the library for specific shipping fees.
- Students may request a scanned pdf of a chapter of a book to avoid the additional expense and time necessary for shipping. Scanning an article or chapter and emailing as a pdf is available at no charge in limited quantities.
- Shipping normally follows current rates. Students may contact the library for specific shipping fees.
Catalog Access
Search the library catalog at https://pascal-bju.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?vid=01PASCAL_BJU:BJU.
Database Access
Mack Library offers access to over one hundred databases. These databases can be accessed from the Online Resources list. Click the alphabetical link and then select the desired database. The student will be prompted for BJU login. Should you experience a problem using databases or logging in, contact the Instructional Services Librarian at 864-370-1800, ext. 6012.
Here is a Database Basics LibGuide that provides database information and searching tips.
If you are having trouble finding articles for your assignments, check our list of databases.
Borrowing Books (from the Mack Library Collection)
- Distance Learning students from the greater Greenville area should visit Mack Library and check out books according to current circulation policies.
- Other Distance Learning students should request items through the library in your home town. Your home library can obtain books and articles from other libraries, including Mack Library, for you. You can also request pdf articles and book chapters (but not print books) through Mack Library's interlibrary loan service. Enter a request on the Mack Library resource sharing form. Mack Library will request the pdf from another library and you will receive it via email.
Policies and Procedures
Request a Loan
If your home town library will not provide access to interLibrary loan for print books, Mack Library will ship books from our collection directly to the residence of the Distance Learner. Email us with requests or questions.
Book Limit
Up to 6 books at one time (up to 4 books for non-U.S. addresses)
Loan Period
5 weeks
- Starts: The day books are checked out to the student and shipped.
- Ends: Ship books back to the library on or before the due date stamped on the date-due slip inside the front cover.
Books Loaned
Circulating books, biographies, & dissertations (graduate students only)
Items not Loaned
Reference works, audio visual materials, software, fiction or juvenile
Rare/Out-of-Print/High-demand Items
The library reserves the right to not honor requests for rare or out-of-print items or books that are currently in high demand.
- Books usually arrive within a week via UPS Ground.
- Delivery to the student is paid by the library.
- Return delivery is paid by the student (return label included in shipment).
- Rush shipping: Items can be sent two-day air at the student’s request. The library will bill all special delivery fees to the student’s Business Office account. Please note that two-day air is about $10 a pound.
An item may be renewed once if no other customer has placed a request for the book. To renew the item, please contact the Library by e-mail (library@bju.edu) or phone at 864-370-1800, ext. 6000.
Overdue or Lost Books & Charges
- Books shipped after the due date will be considered overdue and will be assessed a $.50 per day fine.
- Books not received four weeks beyond the due date will be considered lost and the student will be billed for the replacement cost of the book, all overdue fines, and processing costs (currently $5). The lost book charges will be no less than $35 for each book.
Making a Request
- Please check the online catalog to verify we have the book.
- Call (864-370-1800 ext. 6019) or email your request to the Interlibrary Loan Department.
- We will process your request within two business days. Books should arrive within 7 to 10 days.

Additional information for foreign delivery
BJU students residing in foreign countries may borrow books with these additional restrictions:
- Item limit: 4 books
- Loan period: 5 weeks (same as domestic)
- Due date: calculated from the time the book is charged out at Mack Library
- Shipping method: The student is responsible for all shipping costs, both from the library to the student as well as from the student back to the library.
- Canada and Mexico: Items will be shipped by either UPS Ground or air mail, whichever is more efficient. Please consider using ILL whenever possible to reduce your costs.
- Other foreign destinations: Items will be shipped via air mail. Please contact the library for specific information.
- The library will immediately bill all shipping charges to the student’s business office account. We will e-mail you the approximate price to get your approval before shipping.
- Returning items: The student is responsible to ship the items on or before the due date by air mail. Please do not send items by surface mail. Canada and Mexico may use ground shipping if available. (Books borrowed via ILL should be returned to your local library.)

Borrowing Books (not in the Mack Library Collection)
- Distance Learners from the greater Greenville area should use the Interlibrary Loan department of Mack Library.
- Other Distance Learners should use their local public or academic library to borrow books from other libraries. Mack Library cannot loan to Distance Learners books that we do not have in our collection.
Procuring Articles or Photocopies
- Articles: The Library will photocopy or scan and send up to five articles upon request from journals in the library’s current holdings that aren’t available through the databases. Full-text articles are included in several of our databases. Copyright laws may prevent the library from honoring a request.
- If you require an article not held by Mack Library, request it via the resource sharing request form
- Books and dissertations: The library will scan limited portions of books or dissertations (no more than one chapter or 10% of the whole) upon request. Graduate students may request a copy of the entire dissertation.
- Price structure
Each of the following fees will apply:
- $5 per hour for labor
- $2 handling fee per dissertation
- Shipping costs (calculated when mailed)
- In addition to the above costs and at the request of the student, the library will have the dissertation bound as a hardcover for an additional $25. The library will send the pages to the bindery along with our regular shipment. This process will lengthen the processing time by 6 to 8 weeks.

- Sending your request
- Please check the online catalog for magazines and journals to see if we have that periodical. Do a title search on the journal title (not article title).
- Fill out the article request form by clicking Article on the resource sharing request form.