Online Resources
It’s nearly impossible to keep physical copies of every resource and sometimes a Google search just isn’t enough. Fortunately, we have access to thousands of in-depth articles and e-books that aren’t available on the World Wide Web. Mack Library provides access to many keyword-searchable databases of resources in a variety of fields.
A-Z Database List
See a complete list of the databases available at our library, including descriptions and links.
Research Guides
LibGuides are research guides that point faculty or students to the best available resources on a certain topic. They bring together a variety of elements, including databases, books, and more.
Faculty may create and edit their own LibGuides or request that the Mack Library staff do so. Some LibGuides are used by colleges and universities all over the world.
Gale Power Search (General)
Gale Power Search simultaneously searches several Gale databases, saving you the trouble of checking many databases.
Explore General Power SearchGale Power Search (Literature)
Gale Literature Search allows researchers to conduct an integrated search across Gale's premier literary databases.
Explore Literature Power Search
EBSCOhost offers extensive databases in a variety of topics. Mack Library subscribes to many of them.
Use this link to retrieve a complete list of the EBSCO databases to which our library subscribes. From this page, you may view a description of each database and select one or multiple databases to search. Simply check the boxes next to the database(s) you wish to search and click on Continue.
Credo Reference
Credo Reference is an easy-to-use tool for research projects and homework. A giant online collection searches hundreds of encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, quotations and subject specific titles, as well as 200,000+ images and audio files and nearly 100 videos.
Explore Credo Reference
More Databases
The online databases are categorized by subject and name. Choose the subject heading that suits your topic and click on the dropdown list to see a list of databases that index articles in your subject field. Some databases overlap.
In general, try these databases for
- News—Newspaper Source Plus
- Articles from journals or magazines—Academic Search Complete; Academic OneFile
- Controversial issues—Opposing Viewpoints in Context
- Government documents and information—HeinOnline
- Religion or Theology—ATLA Religion Database; Theological Journals Online
- Education—Education Research Complete; ERIC
- Health/Medical—CINAHL Complete; MEDLINE Complete
- Literature—Literature Resource Center; Humanities Index Complete