A primary goal of the Mack Library in its mission to support the University’s curriculum is to collaborate with faculty to support collection development within their specified subject areas and provide instructional services to their students. This goal includes the following:
Faculty Awareness
The Mack Library seeks to keep faculty informed by:
- Notifying individuals when a requested item for the library collection is ready for use.
- Providing an avenue for requesting items for the library collection and presentation of library services and policies.
Faculty Services
The Mack Library encourages faculty input for our collection development and requests of information related to their teaching and research by:
- Requesting items (i.e., books, periodicals, databases, CDs, DVDs, etc.) in their subject area to be acquired.
- Authors published in your subject area and any related areas
- Titles of works author is not known
- Periodical subscriptions to journals
- Additional Databases
- Additional Resources
- Related areas in your subject area of the Library collection requiring updating
- Assigning librarians and associates to subject areas to assist you.
- Photocopying contents from resources to support their courses and research.
- Providing Reference & Information Services assistance with their research needs.
- Supporting course requirements requiring library resources.
Instructional Services
Instructional services provided for faculty:
- Library workshops during in-service.
- Bibliographic instruction for students about research techniques, databases, and library resources in various subject areas. Instructional sessions can be scheduled for your classroom or the library’s Technology facilities. Faculty should contact the Instructional Services Librarian at least a week in advance if possible.
- Assistance in the development of instructional materials.
- Assistance in the development of LibGuides on the library web site.
Course Reserves
- Faculty may submit a list of all items requested for reserve before the beginning of the semester. Request reserves.
- Music Faculty may submit requests directly to the Music Librarian.
- Items will be placed on reserve within 48 hours or as soon as they are available and will remain on reserve if the course is offered each semester.
- Items not part of the actual library collection (i.e., articles, syllabi, and personal books belonging to a faculty member) can also be placed on reserve.
- For more details about Course Reserves, see the research guide.
- Direct any questions regarding course reserves to library@bju.edu.
The Mack and Music Libraries welcome various groups to tour our facilities and can provide instruction in bibliographic research. Groups may include:
- Undergraduate and Graduate Level Classes
- High School Students
- Junior High Students
- Elementary Students
- Home School Students
- Church Groups

A minimum of one week is necessary for arrangements. Call 864-370-1800, ext. 6025 to contact an instructional services librarian or email library@bju.edu. A reply concerning the status of your request will be made within two business days.
We can tailor a tour or instructional service according to your specifications or provide one of the following options:
- Mack or Music Library Facilities
- Archives Memorabilia Room of BJU Heritage
- Jerusalem Chamber and Rare Bible Collection
- Special Collection Room of Rare Books and the American Hymnody Collection